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The IRAAL - SAALinBiH tandem initiative

IRAAL and SAALinBiH have agreed to join in the newly launched AILA Tandem Initiative. The IRAAL – SAALinBiH tandem initiative aims to promote and foster links and collaboration between linguists, applied linguists, and educational practitioners in Ireland and Bosnia-Herzegovina.
The first step in our collaboration would be organizing an Irish summer school in Sarajevo and joint webinars. Other forms of collaboration in the future might include joint conferences, workshops and research networks.

Combining AILA National Affiliates’ Strengths

AILA national affiliates embody traditions and represent cultures of doing, promoting, and supporting research and teaching, for example, by the way they organize conferences, award academic leadership, and interact with their individual members. Experiencing these traditions and cultures across affiliates’ biotopes and boundaries can challenge routines, inspire us to think out of the box and foster mutual learning. To strengthen the AILA family, the AILA International Committee encourages national affiliates to collaborate in tandems of, for example, an established and a recently set up affiliate. Forms of collaboration include partnerships for joint conferences, conference strands, and workshops.

Irish Summer School

Irish Summer School 2021 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Irish Summer School is intended as a two-week course in the Irish language and culture for the members of the academic community in applied linguistics in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Acquiring the basics of the Irish language and getting to know the Irish culture, past and present, in order to foster mutual learning and inspire participants to think out of the box.
July or August 2021

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