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AILA Europe Junior Researchers Meeting

AILA Europe Junior Researchers Meeting held with the ONELA conference, organised by AFLA, the French AILA affiliate.
​19-21 October 2021Toulouse, France

IRAAL webinar 13 May 2021, at 5:30pm (Irish time)

Teaching spoken languages for tourism through project work and authentic clips: A pilot study
Dr Veronica Bonsignori and Dr Gloria Cappelli

Book launch

Exploratory Action Research: Stories of Nepalese EFL Teachers
10 am Irish time on Saturday, March 6. 

​Dr Stephen Lucek University College Dublin

Containment and Support from Irish to English
A great deal of research over the past 30 years has looked at the typology and semantics of physical space. At the same time, we have seen a steadily growing interest in Conceptual Metaphor Theory as it applies to non-physical space. What is sometimes missing from both types of research is a usage-based approach to English spatial and figurative language. The current paper addresses this gap by looking at how Irish English divides physical space and how this language affects figurative space. Examining multiple datasets, I will show how naturally occurring data can inform theoretical advances in linguistics.

Dr Adisa Imamović University of Tuzla

Accessible World: A Cognitive-Linguistic Analysis
Media representation of persons with disability is significant for building a more inclusive and tolerant society. It can contribute to breaking the barriers and integrating this population into all aspects of societal life. Language is a very important aspect of media representation as it has the power to define the way groups are seen by others, the way they see themselves, and, consequently, the way they act. The terminology used to refer to persons with disabilities has changed considerably since 1990s, but the situation is far from clear when it comes to what is considered acceptable and what is not in disability discourse. In this presentation we focus on the uses of the adjective accessible in disability discourse, since it is one of the recommended and accepted terms and has become very frequent in this type of discourse. Assuming a cognitive linguistic perspective, we will discuss how metaphor and metonymy motivate various uses of accessible, and how this reflects and promotes the development of a more inclusive, and also more efficient, language of reporting about this population.

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