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Fáilte go dtí an IRAAL – Cumann na hÉireann don Teangeolaíocht Fheidhmeach

Ceanglaíonn IRAAL léachtóirí teanga, múinteoirí teanga, agus taighdeoirí sa teangeolaíocht, sa teangeolaíocht fheidhmeach, agus sa tsochtheangeolaíocht le pobal gníomhach atá ag coinneáil suas leis na forbairtí teanga is déanaí agus ag tairiscint léachtaí agus seimineáir ar fud na hÉireann. Téann stair IRAAL siar go dtí a bunaíodh é i 1975 chun tacú le taighde sa teangeolaíocht fheidhmeach agus ghinearálta in Éirinn. Tá IRAAL cleamhnaithe le Cumann Idirnáisiúnta na Teangeolaíochta Feidhmí (AILA) agus tá sé mar aidhm aige tacú le taighde trí sheimineáir, léachtaí, comhdhálacha agus ceardlanna a eagrú. I measc a chuid foilseachán tá an iris acadúil ar líne bhliantúil dhátheangach, a bhfuil rochtain oscailte uirthi TEANGA chomh maith le himleabhair speisialta ar ábhair ar leith. Tá an bhallraíocht oscailte do gach duine a bhfuil spéis acu i dteangacha nó sa teangeolaíocht.


Joint coordinators for the IRAAL

IRAAL is looking to appoint joint coordinators for the IRAAL Postgraduate Students Special Interest Group (PG SIG).
If interested, please send a one page CV with a cover e-mail outlining your ideas for the SIG to by 5.00pm on 22nd April.



Congratulations to @Lorna_Carson for her well-deserved appointment as Professor. Prof Carson was President of IRAAL between 2014 and 2017 and has been working extensively in the field of Applied Linguistics in Ireland

Congratulations to IRAAL Executive Committee Member Dr Stephen Lucek, University College Dublin, who was awarded the ‘Maurice J Bric Medal of Excellence’ for his research on adolescents’ use of language in Irish secondary schools.

Congratulations to IRAAL Executive Committee Member, Dr Marie-Thérèse Batardière. Dr Marie-Thérèse Batardière (University of Limerick) has recently been made a Chevalier de l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques, in recognition of her record of service to French-language education. Dr Batardière received the award from the French Ambassador to Ireland, M. Stéphane Crouzat. We send our warm congratulations to Marie-T on the well-deserved recognition of her excellent work and outstanding commitment to language education.



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