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Welcome to IRAAL – the Irish Association for Applied Linguistics

IRAAL connects language lecturers, language teachers, and researchers in linguistics, applied linguistics, and sociolinguistics with an active community keeping up with the latest language developments and offering lectures and seminars across Ireland. IRAAL’s history dates back to its foundation in 1975 to support research in applied and general linguistics in Ireland. IRAAL is affiliated with the International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA) and pursues its aim of supporting research by organising seminars, lectures, conferences and workshops. Its publications include the annual bilingual, open-access online academic journal TEANGA as well as special volumes on specific topics. Membership is open to everyone with an interest in languages or linguistics.


IRAAL Postgraduate award 2024

We are delighted to announce the annual IRAAL postgraduate award is open for applications. Please see the information sheet and application form. The deadline is October 14th 2024.
Join our IRAAL Executive Committee!
A number of our IRAAL Executive Committee members will be stepping down from their current roles in November 2024. We welcome expressions of interest from any member of IRAAL who might be interested in any of the following roles:
Details of the application process can be found in the links above.
IRAAL Events

IRAAL Conference 2024

The theme of the conference is Diversity and Identity in Applied Linguistics and it will take place on November 15th and 16th.Prof Li Wei and Prof Lorraine Leeson will deliver the keynote addresses.

IRAAL newsletter

First IRAAL newsletter (available here)

We are delighted to share with you the first IRAAL newsletter.

We are very grateful to our IRAAL colleagues who shared their insights, events and on-going projects with us. We would also like to thank the newsletter editor and executive committee member, Dr Sal Consoli, who has worked extremely hard to get this initiative off the ground.

We hope you enjoy reading it and look forward to many more editions.


IRAAL Annual Conference, Saturday 18 November 2023, Maynooth University

Plurilingual mindsets in an increasingly bi/multilingual world 

Executive IRAAL Committee

IRAAL 2023 Conference Organisers: School of Modern Languages, Maynooth University

The winner of our PhD award

Introducing the new editors of Teanga

Languages Connect Summit

IRAAL contributed to the Languages Connect Summit on October 14th, 2023. As part of our contribution, we have presented research into language being done by our members in Ireland. Check our lovely pictures below: 



Congratulations to @Lorna_Carson for her well-deserved appointment as Professor. Prof Carson was President of IRAAL between 2014 and 2017 and has been working extensively in the field of Applied Linguistics in Ireland

Congratulations to IRAAL Executive Committee Member Dr Stephen Lucek, University College Dublin, who was awarded the ‘Maurice J Bric Medal of Excellence’ for his research on adolescents’ use of language in Irish secondary schools.

Congratulations to IRAAL Executive Committee Member, Dr Marie-Thérèse Batardière. Dr Marie-Thérèse Batardière (University of Limerick) has recently been made a Chevalier de l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques, in recognition of her record of service to French-language education. Dr Batardière received the award from the French Ambassador to Ireland, M. Stéphane Crouzat. We send our warm congratulations to Marie-T on the well-deserved recognition of her excellent work and outstanding commitment to language education.



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